4DK – The Cat App of Android

We were just down two temples and 1 relatives’ house when we decided we should rest somewhere. So we went to this other relatives’ house, I guess to make it even between the temples and the houses.

Anyway, we were there and so were the “How are you?”, “Whats up”, and similar other questions and their answers, attacked from either side. I was there smiling my way through it all, when my dad started playing with the baby in the house. I assume she was about 2 years old, and was quite fascinated by all the chatter, though my dad’s and uncle’s arms wide open attempts to lure her into their arms was not quite a success. My mom was not trying; she looked content, just sitting there after the long walks in the temples, giving her legs some rest.

My uncle took out his phone and opened the “Talking Tom Cat” app; you know the app which talks back anything you say at it, with a weird but funny voice. He then started talking things to it and everyone including the baby would laugh when the cat talked back. Everyone except me; I did not find it that funny. Yes it was funny, but I had seen it enough, and that ‘enough’ had happened too long back ago for me to be affected by it again. I should have chuckled a bit at least just to be a sport, but I did not; I smiled though; although I am afraid it might have come out like a pitiful smile.

Anyway, so now my dad is amused with the app; more than the baby. He takes the phone, and starts saying things to it. He in fact made those weird talking noises that people do to babies, to the cat in the app. And he was laughing. I found it weird. But then I noticed; everyone was into it. My dad, my mom, my uncle, the baby’s mother, the baby’s grandmother; everyone except the baby. I was weird-ed out further more.

I mean they took out this thing to amuse the baby, and now all of them are amused by it, and the baby was just there, staring at them, occasionally laughing, not because of the app, but because of their behavior, and that is it; that is what they did for the next 5 minutes; a really long, 5 minutes.

I thought to myself, ‘Wow, is that what technology does to you? Is that what any outside entertainment does to you?’
I mean there was a time when we made voices to babies, we made those cute puppy faces to our lovers, and we could just sit down for minutes and hours with ourselves thinking and being amused by our thoughts. Now we have these apps to do it for us, and then we are just with our apps. I mean sometimes I feel do we really care if the baby is amused? If a lover means a sorry? If we need to watch that video on YouTube? I mean, once we have the technology to do it, we so blindly tend to delegate our responsibilities to it. And so long as the app is working, we sometimes assume that the responsibilities are carried out too.

Is that wrong? I don’t think we need a Google search to answer that. It is wrong. Those subtle things that we do, by ourselves, those stupid faces we make sometimes to say sorry, and those long spent time with ourselves; those things should not go away just because we have an app to do it. Let the app be an add on, not the real thing. It is okay to be reminded about someone’s birthday by Facebook, but quickly typing in “Happy Birthday ❤ <3” and then forgetting about it, doesn’t do the job well. She might like your wish on Facebook, but really, she might not have cared much; and neither had you.

If this goes on, I would hate to see what happens. I would hate to see the talking tom cat entertaining the baby, while we lay there, like a disabled app.

Be real folks.

4DK – The Day Night Contrast

It was 7:30 pm and our train stopped at an unscheduled platform, just 2 hours before our destination in Kerala. My dad and I were standing outside the train, on the platform, waiting for the train to start moving, not as patiently as how the train was waiting for some other train to pass, for the past 10 minutes.

Usually at such times, I get down the train on the platform to feel better, to get some open air after hours of closed windows and air conditioning; however I doubted if I was feeling better. Though I continued to stand on the platform but I could not miss the eerie emptiness and gloom that surrounded us. It was not completely dark yet; we could still see things, but everything had a hue mixed with dark grey.

It must have been the uninhabited nature of the place that gave it this gloom. It was not morbid, no, it was like everything was looking at you. It was like if right now a group of humans, or something else, were to present themselves and do something bad to us, I would not be very shocked. The atmosphere was well suited for such an event to happen.

I missed the Mumbai streets which would still have had light and sounds of people and vehicles rushing through every serpentine road available. In Mumbai, the city that never sleeps, we sleep at usually around 12 or 1; that leaves only a couple of hours of the night uninhabited and hence the gloom I was experiencing here was something I would not have felt in Mumbai.

In the next two hours we reached my Uncle’s place and soon after, I was on the bed devouring a book, waiting for sleep to do the same to me. The day after, we had to set out for temples, at around 6 am. And that we did.

Kerala was still dark, as the sky was yet to completely welcome the sun, but everything was mixed with a hint of orange, including the sky. The air was scarcely filled with the smell of temples and their sounds, and on the streets were people, not a crowd, like how you would see in Mumbai. The people were happy to be awake and working, something that was worth watching. The entire place was pleasant. It was wonderful how Kerala changed so much overnight.

As the sun slowly showed itself, I enjoyed the ride, with some popular devotional songs playing in the car and the windows rolled down. I inhaled some deep breaths of Kerala before being cradled to a small nap, to compromise staying awake too long the previous night with the book.

My dad always used the words sun, light and energy a lot whenever he explains why the morning is something that should not be missed. I never actually cared much, I enjoyed both equally, but here in Kerala, I could see the difference, and it was not just about the sun, but the earth and the emotions on it changed too. The contrast here, between the day and the night was loud and evident; and leaves nothing to guesswork on why these people on the streets were so happy to be awake.

4DK – Last Night

My stay at Kerala is at its last phases. With packing almost done, and me set to sleep, what follows is the day tomorrow, when we will be polishing our packing done today and ourselves, and will leave from here for the 11 am train to Kalyan, Maharashtra.

How was the stay?

Well to answer that, usually, I just silently complain by making a disappointed face or a smiley, depending on my medium of communication, because people are generally satisfied with that response; they might add some of their own observations and don’t extend the conversation; however this time I feel like talking about it. Maybe because this trip would be followed by a trip to US which would prevent me from coming here for 3 years or more.

The entire stay of around 4 days can be explained in short using some headings; headings which explains or brings forward a particular experience, some of which may sound trivial, but still forms an important part of the trip.

I am just going to go ahead and write down the headings, and in the days to come I will sit down and expand on each, one by one, sometimes in a group. Meanwhile just for people who enjoy  finding patterns, I am not sure you will find any in the sequence of headings given below, still if you feel like, go nuts. Here I go,

The Day Night Contrast
The Cat App of Android
Feet Acupuncture
The Temple and why I did not regret carrying my DSLR
People mix up illogically
Everyone knows us
How the Kanji got finished?
Mumbai roads vs Kerala roads
Padmanabhaswami Shetram – The temple with convenient inconveniences
Vishnu and the theory of evolution (A flashback)
The mute uncle who communicated the best
A square of light

These events or references to events are placed in the order in which they struck me, and now the trip ends, with the final title which is being expanded right now:

4DK – Last night

4DK : 4 Days in Kerala

Purpose for the Glossary and the weird abbreviation at the first place:
I just thought it would be cool to group all further expansions of the headings mentioned above by adding a prefix. Cool or not cool. I have already acted upon my thought, so, too late.

Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the ‘Book’

Finished reading Haruki Marukami’s ‘Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of The World’

How I feel about it?
Let me put it this way. I had to read the last chapter again, to be sure of my feelings.

“Death leaves cans of shaving cream half-used”

That is one line that stuck, along with the many other things that found their way in me. Especially the chubby girl, ‘dig’, and the emptiness that extended its way from yesterday to today relentlessly.

The Chubby Girl:

Its this character in the book. Bold about her feelings, does not waste much time in futile formalities, and comes straight to the point. She is good at many things, something which she and her grandfather attributes to not ever attending school.
But what struck me about her, or made me feel for her, was the way she expressed her feelings for this one guy. She accepts the fact that the guy might be seeing someone else, or might just be in physical relations with someone else, but nevertheless, her feelings for him takes no step back. And she occasionally gives way to her emotions and asks him if she can touch him or have sex with him, or sometimes just move in with him. Most of this would project out as the curiosity of a girl who has never experienced sex, but there was more than that.

I remember having this same feeling for this female character in a TV series – Kyle XY – which ceased to air after their second season. There was this girl completely in love with Kyle and once when Kyle expresses his love to the character but explains why he cannot be with her because he is with someone else, she just hears the part where he expresses his love and she is content by just that.

There is this hint of complete surrender to love that I might be enjoying from such characters but I am not sure if I am game for it. I mean I am not sure if I will ever be like that or is it just a one way street where I simply imagine such emotions directed towards me from a person, while I simply bob away or around, like the guy in Haruki’s novel or like Kyle. Either way that says something about myself, and if it is the latter case then I don’t think whatever it says about myself is anything good.


This was something that made me smile and have a micro Eureka moment. There is this part in the novel where a couple of people are digging a hole in the ground and the character asks a colonel about it. He inquires the purpose of the hole, and the colonel says that they did it because that is what they do. There is no reason to it, no purpose, they just do it because they do it. That simple! and hence the hole thus created is a pure hole, not bound to any purpose or reason to make it complete. He said it was similar to how he himself plays chess, with no reason or underlying purpose.

And that made me think; Is this how the word ‘dig’ came to be used to things people liked? You have heard it and probably have used it a lot many times.

“I have a playstation at my place. You dig?”

Even though the first time I tried to use it, it came out weird, when I tried to ask a friend if he liked the works of Dan Brown the author, “You dig Dan Brown?”. That was also about the time when I understood that slang usages should be used only when it is common tongue at the place where you are using it. Otherwise you could just end up looking like a person who fantasizes to dig holes through famous authors.

Emptiness Extended:

I had left Mumbai to come to Kerala and with it I thought I should not feel that feeling of void that I had been feeling since a very long time. I was wrong there. This book is filled with farewells and characters asking each other if they will forget them, or to write letters; I could not help but reflect on my farewells.

As part of leaving my country next month I should have been doing my good byes to people, but to most, I just texted that I would be off to US and that is it. To those who inquired about how it all happened so suddenly and why did not I inform earlier, I just typed back,

“Yes, I do that. I go. I do that sometimes. Just this thing I have.”
Even though I typed and the person could not see me I remember I had done that nonchalant shrug after every time I had sent that reply, and I could now imagine the other person taking an oath to never talk to me again.

Also, there were the people who said they will “Miss me” and then the people who said they will “really miss me” just out of the blue. Both times I did not know how to reply and so usually the words that came out were “Yes”, “Hmm” and “Oh”. One particular time I also remember saying “Is it?”.

I know that it was not apt and possibly the exact opposite of apt, but in my defense, I was caught off guard. For some reason, I was not expecting people inquiring about my plans, of feeling that all this is very sudden, or of people saying that they will miss me. I was just informing people that I wont be here. That was pretty much my motive.

And now that I do know that there are people who did all that, and after I have read this book and the so well executed farewells in it, I feel a bit more pushed down in void. I wish I could go back and add some more words, I wish I could be more human on those text replies. I know I still can. I still can make amends, but as far as I know myself, I don’t think I would be doing that. I am good doing the wishing thing for now.

Anyway, the book, it is amazing. Pure marvel. I dig.

07/07/14 : A day I might not remember

Its raining outside, heavily. It was not, some time before, but since then, it all looked so sad, so gloomy. It’s like that emptiness that had found its way into me around 2 weeks ago when I had left my rental apartment, has not left me yet, and maybe it will show up a couple of times more before I leave my permanent residence and my parents here, and fly to US next month for my studies.

Rain had always brought pleasant emotions in me, or has it? I don’t remember. Just yesterday I went through some emotional situations, though I stayed as composed as I could, but the emotions in play were strong. And yesterday was a clear sunny day.


I tried out my suit which I plan to take to US with me and wear it on occasions which will require that attire. We were on the way to home, another 1 hour ride in the middle of which I had to also get my Sherwani and a couple of clothes for my dad to be taken to our one week trip tomorrow to my native place, Kerala, at my Uncle’s house. That is when dad spotted Pinto uncle, or was it Mom who did the spotting; I don’t remember. Dad parked the car, I got down, waved at Pinto uncle, who had clearly not recognized me; ‘Age takes its toll on the memory and eyes’, I said to myself to explain and make a comfortable sense of the situation. Soon and close enough, he recognized and I embraced him; I had no idea why I did that. I don’t usually go around hugging people, especially when they are very elder to me; I keep my distance, maybe smile, and maybe, if need and situation asks for it, touch their feet. I guided him towards the car where Mom and Dad waited for him, I wondered why they were not getting down. They saw him, and mom laughed in a way which was only some decibels short of a guffaw, though it was not pride, or was it? May be she was in fact the one who spotted him; was the pride for that? Was their pride at all? I don’t remember.

Dad asked him to wait while he parks the car safe. Pinto uncle nodded and kept walking. We got down the car and he was gone. He clearly did not understand what we said. Dad said it is very usual of him and we all agreed on going to his house, which is in the building where we used to live since long before I was born and till just 3 years ago when we shifted to our current residence in Kalyan, a mere 2 hours of drive by car; I don’t know why I said mere, it is not mere, it is far.

So, we went to his place, in the building where we once lived, where we have so many who knows us yet they don’t, and hence I visited only his house, and no other. He was happy to see us, Pinto auntie was there too. The happiness on their faces looked genuine, and when they heard about my plans to go to US for studies that happiness did not take time to squeeze out some tears. Pinto uncle did hide and wiped away the tears, but his voice gave him away. I did not expect this. They both got up, and prayed to the photo of Jesus and Mother Mary for me. We got up too, me and mom with our hands mimicking theirs, and dad with his hands folded; he stood just to show respect to their faith, it is not like he does not have faith in any Gods. He is a die hard fan of the Hindu Gods, he just doesn’t take the other Gods so seriously, nonetheless he stood till their prayer was over. Before leaving, I touched the feet of both of them, not Jesus and Mary, obviously not, the photos were close ups from face to shoulder, no feet to touch. I meant Pinto uncle and Pinto auntie, their feet I touched, and more tears came. I felt overwhelmed.

Before leaving I wanted to see their bedroom once, where once I had learned as a child. Seraphine didi (elder sister), their daughter, used to teach me when I was in school. It felt nice to be there. I could remember where she sat, and where I sat, and where the bed was, and where the books were, where Sindhu, another neighbor cum student of hers sat, and I also remembered didi’s handwriting, and the way she wrote, and how I tried to mimic it.

In sometime, we left for home. On the way we started suggesting each other places to eat, and on the way to one place we all voted yes for, I came close to ‘Shree Gajanan‘ that Vada Pav center in Vishnu Nagar close to Excel Classes where I was a student for about a year. Oh I remember the class, Nitin sir, Usha mam. They both were married, and both were great and enthusiastic teachers. I remember my crush on Usha mam. Mom said there is no Excel classes there anymore, but there was ‘Shree Gajanan‘. We used to have Vada Pavs over there, and when we were short on our budget we used to have Chutney Pav which came for Rs. 2. I used to love their Chutney, and I realized I still do, and I still remembered the taste. I suggested that we can have our lunch here. They did not argue and I went to get three Vada Pavs and a plate of Kanda Bhaji with lots of their Chutney. I looked around in the place, to see myself, a younger me, standing and having Vada Pavs with my friends, discussing that one girl in our class whom we all liked. She had a way of carrying herself at an age when that did not come naturally to many girls, I wondered if she is still that gorgeous, and my thoughts were interrupted by my parcel. I brought the food to the car, where my parents were comfortably waiting for me. We had our lunch and I enjoyed every bite of it.

After some more time we were off to our house.


In about 2 hours we leave for Kerala, to visit the temples and some of our relatives. It is my chance to ask the Gods to come with me to the foreign land and to bid farewell to my relative and share hopes to see them again. The heavy rains have reduced to a drizzle, but the emptiness still remains.

It is these memories I bet, so many of them. Even though I will be back to my house from Kerala in 1 week and I will be back to my house from US in some years, but the memories, the more they fill up, the more this emptiness. I guess that is the equation in play.

I am sure I should be doing something else right now, instead of typing this down. What is it? I don’t remember.

Minutes of ‘500 days of summer’

500 days of summer is this movie I just finished watching, though a part of this was written in the middle of the movie, with the movie paused. So watching the movie might help you to understand it better, but for those who have not seen it, its about Tom who believes in the magical love that many would like to believe in and live; and Summer, the girl who introduces herself as this stoic, painfully casual person, which she is, and who gives Tom a ride from a place full of one sided love, to happiness, and then lands him in lots of sorrow. Eventually, you would love them both. I would like to add more but if there is anyone really planning to watch the movie, I dont want to ruin it for them. I usually hate it when someone does that to me.

44 minutes after watching 500 days of summer:
I feel connected to Tom but I can associate more the behaviors and the ways of Summer with me, or at least the way I was, before 4 months; more precisely, the way I was since something that happened around 3 years ago and till something that happened 4 months back. A lot of apologies for being so highly indirect and vague. Well, why I connect to Tom? Because of things that happened in my life outside that time frame that I mentioned.
Why am I writing this in the middle of watching a movie? Because I felt to, and because I think I will have a different view to share after the movie ends.

After, 500 days of summer
Well, what can I say, I am disappointed that I could not share an experience that could let me shift from the person I connected to; that is from Summer to Tom. But towards the end, I just was watching the movie as a third person, not connected to anyone, and wishing I could. I know that I have changed a lot 4 months back or maybe got a bit like how I was before 3 years, with a mix of all that I went through in the period till now. But I wish I could have been more sure about the change, and about everything, like Summer, and like Tom towards the end.

I loved the movie, well scripted, well executed and most importantly, I kind of love the fact that it did not end the way I wanted it to. May be, sometimes, that is really important for you to like something.

… and then we partied, and we partied hard

Writing after a really long time and I have many reasons to do so. For the past 1 month or more every day was a new story and every day had something exciting in its store, but things got so exciting that my days used to be packed to the brim and I could never actually get time to sit down and write about it. But today after a very long time, I have a day off from all that. Of couse, my leg is paining a bit and I cant move my neck freely from all the pain that motion gives, but I have got my day off, and I can write finally.

I am not going to talk about all the things that kept me happily busy for the last one month or so, but I have got to speak about yesterday’s night, for it has to be my wildest night yet. For starters I have started drinking, like occasionally, and I have fallen in love with wine, so much so that I am going to start a blog just for Wine, very soon. Also, I recently participated in a Fashion show, part of the Grand Finale of our company’s annual festival. Just last year, I was efficiently invisible throughout the entire festival, and this year, I participated in one event, co-hosted some, and was in the core organizing committee too. And in the end, I walked the ramp, and enacted “Raj Kapoor” on stage, all part of our fashion show. Now that, you see, is vouching for change, and also personally, I wanted to be a part of all that before I leave for my further education.

Now having said that, we had planned a party for yesterday night, and because of the many changes in the plans and uncertainties, we could not get all of the intended crowd – “everyone involved in the fashion show”. But we managed to be a group of 6 guys and 2 girls, and headed for our “party”. Now for me, a party is usually, when I eat with people, talk a lot, have fun with them, and maybe stay awake the entire night. Party for me was never booze and dance till you cant walk. But yesterday for the first time, it was so for me. We drank beer at Apache as if that was the only fluid that could keep us going, and we danced at Oak Lounge as if it was the only action we knew. I guess we started dancing at around the time “DJ Aaron” started his thing, that had to be around 10 or 11 I guess, and then I kept going. We danced till the DJ played his last song, which was around 3, and I don’t remember the count of beer bottles I had gulped down while we were on the floor. Everyone enjoyed the time, and I could say the same, for the rest of the crowd. I recently had received a message “A packed crowd is suffocation in a closed lecture auditorium and atmosphere on the dance floor.” I now have felt the meaning of that message, first hand.

Of course my body aches right now, and I am taking real efforts to turn my neck in the right direction while I type this, but if I don’t write it right now, I wont be doing justice to the wonderful night I had yesterday.

I know I am late by 10 days, but any way, Happy New Year to all. 🙂

Psychedelia – The Leaves

Every key of this keyboard feels like a petal – crisp and old. I can even feel a color, cool it is, how u can feel a color, and see it with your fingers. It’s yellow, and some of them with a hint of orange. The sun is shining bright, and closer to the horizon; it will start to go orange in sometime. It’s yellow for now, but not scorching hot. It’s slightly warm, but soothing warmth it is. Not the one which makes you acknowledge the heat that comes with it, but the one which soothes you nicely from the chill that you would have felt, were the sun absent. The leaves lie everywhere, I stand cautiously to not step on them, and I type this on the leaves. With every press on a key I make sure I retract soon enough to not break the crisp and inflexible dried leaves.

But the monitor, bright, with the letters, letters of this post, shining black; this monitor reminds me that I am still in the office with the walls of my cube that comes along with it. I can see no leaves, only buttons; the tube lights not the sun, is bright, and the air? There is no air, only a cold aura; stagnant, like the minds that surround me.

I should be somewhere better. Open airs, that sun, that leaves, and an alley on the road, bounded by a wall on one side, old wall with fungal growth, covered by creepers – many of them.  The other side of the boundary, the side opposite to the rustic wall – there are trees. Long wood, some short; the ones nearer to the alley road, are shorter than the long, stubborn trees far away. And these leaves, overlapping the street like a torn canopy; torn, for it leaves those small gaps, where if I am careful enough, can walk, without blowing off or crushing these leaves, which rest so gracefully, scantly bathing in the sun, which now is hidden by the green wall to the side. Only some light escape and fall on the leaves, as the sun still peeps from over the wall. It is getting orange now. The far areas of the forest, with those big trees, they are disappearing. Their wood growing darker, their leaves turning black, and slowly it morphs to a big subsuming darkness, now ravenously approaching the shorter trees, for there are no big trees, which stood protecting it. The sun which kept the darkness in check now leaves; it might be angry on the leaves, on the trees, for using it so much but not giving anything back and instead helping and sharing the gifts with others all the time. The sun leaves, as darkness consumes them all, all the trees, and now it is coming for the leaves.

Light! Light is what they need. I run as far as I could to find light, the only way to protect these delicate leaves. I ran, to get light, which went with the sun. I can still bring light; I said with some hope; when I saw this creature indifferent to my desperation, indifferent to the terrible fate that approaches the dear leaves. This stone is it smiling at me? Is it teasing me, standing so boastfully? Why does it stand still when the dear, sweet leaves are in danger? Get up. I should throw a stone at it, to galvanize it, I thought. So adamant, it is still silent. More stones, big strokes, all with persistence. Somehow, I want more for him to show support than attending to the leaves. Get up, I shouted, the sound paralleled with another stone I threw, and a spark I saw. A bright one, it blazed and followed some more. Light! There is light. I hit him more, I might murder it I doubted, but I did not care. I hit more, and there were more sparks. Light! I shouted jubilantly, and the light settled on some leaves. I smiled. I saved them, and I let go a sigh of relief which added up to the breeze and amplified the light. A breeze of sun! I announced, as the breeze carried with it the flame to all the leaves. And it takes me with it, to a world of light, for my efforts I took to save them from dark. I am in the sun, with my leaves. They still grow dark, but it’s not that darkness that ate the trees, I saved them from it.  The leaves dance, they must be so happy. Closed my eyes are, as I feel the sun over my body, hot it was, not soothing like that sun, but I like the heat.

Am I on the sun that was behind the wall? Am I that one that was far away? How did I arrive here? Magic Stone! I acclaimed, as the heat became a part of me. I realized I was becoming the sun. Powerful! I claimed. I was ready to see it, and I shouted before my voice dissolves with the sun and my vision becomes part of the light.

Let me see my world from here.

That rainbow! I found it…

I have always been a fan of the great, the super-geek, Nikola Tesla, and hence I have always felt sorry for him for the way he was unappreciated by the people of those times.

Anyway today I found a rainbow. Well, I should not put it so lightly, let me just re-frame it.

Today, I discovered a rainbow.

I know that rainbow is an already known phenomenon, but the one that we saw behind our company building; that was discovered by me. I and my friend were having our usual stroll after snacks, and like the source of many great discoveries – an unusual decision – I took an unusual decision of telling my friend that today we should walk on the seventh floor and not the fifth floor where we usually walk. And from that potentially ground-breaking decision, came the moment when I saw a part of the rainbow. I stopped walking, called upon my friend, who completely oblivious to the fact that I had found something, was still walking, and even talking. Sad!
Anyway, I called him and took him to the edge of the balcony where I could then see it properly.

It was there. All of the seven colors. “I can see the violet, I have never seen the violet, This one is so bright.” I yelled; he expressed his dangerously overflowing excitement by taking out his phone and clicking some photos of the rainbow; while I still stood there, awe-struck.

After a while, and many weird looks from people around me for shouting things out loud, we moved away from the spot. I saw a lady getting up from her chair inside the cafeteria and walking towards the spot. “That is my spot, she is going to see it now, I should do something to make her realize that I had found it”, such and many other whispers clogged up my brain fruitlessly, while I saw her calling her friends to that spot and soon it was a herd of people, looking at the sky like imbeciles, at the magnificent rainbow, with the violet thing, unaware of the person who had discovered it first.

“I should have done something, like, writing my name on a banner and hung it over there, or spray ‘Discovered by SJ’ with an arrow pointing towards the rainbow on the walls over there” I said to my friend. My friend laughed, he thought it was a joke; it was not.
I looked at him with all the seriousness I could muster and said “Those people near the fence, that crowd, they don’t appreciate my discovery, they don’t even know who discovered it. They are happy with it, excited, but the person who found it for them, is little appreciated. I… ” I looked high up in the sky before completing my speech “I feel like Nikola Tesla”
He looked at me, and laughed again, as he was browsing through the photos he clicked; of my discovery.

But then…

…and then with all that excitement I really wanted to talk to someone.
I was completely ecstatic and I had no exact reason why, and I wanted to talk about all this to someone. My eyes were frantically in search of someone to speak with.

There she was, sitting on the bench just some steps away from me. Who better to tell than her? Not everyone understands me the way she does. She seems to be sitting like that for quite a while now. She looked all still, motionless, I wondered if she was in one of those moods. I hoped not.

“Hey! Hi. You free?”
She looked at me, expressionless, and took efforts to reply back, “Yes. But I am in one of those “want to be alone” mood. You understand right?”
“Oh yes, totally.” I reacted instantaneously. I left.

Yes I did understand it. It was like one of our codes – if either of us tells the other that they want to be in that mood, the other person just lets that person be in that state. Many reasons and a lot of past has gone into each one of us making this rule, and it works for us. This is why we can understand each other so well, because we connect, not just by the normal ways people connect, but by such unsaid rules, and many more unwritten codes of conduct. Rules that we created because we feel comfortable within them.

But now, I am blue, distressed. That feeling, that good one that I had moments ago, comes to me in unexpected short bursts and when it comes I so wish that it will stay. In those few moments, I totally forget the reasons why those bursts have become this short; but now I am sad again; the burst is dry.
I wish I could talk to her about how sad I am now. But then we have a code. I wish we had none, but we do.

Oh! Its friendship day today. Ironical. How I want to talk about this irony to someone? But then…